General Advice
Your Problem

Problem Types
Type I
Type II
Type III
Type IV
Type V

The Program - Solutions

Specific Solutions - Your Problem. Your Solution.
You've seen your problem, now let's see about possible solutions.

  1. You don't meet any women. That's Me.

  2. You don't meet any women you're interested in. That's Me.

  3. You meet women that you're interested in, but they're not interested in you at all. That's Me.

  4. You meet women that you're interested in, but they're not interested in you "that way." That's Me.

  5. You meet women that you're interested in, they're interested in you, but they end up thinking of you as "a great, great" friend. That's Me.

All materials © Copyright 2007 - Clint Zehner
If you are interested in reprinting any of the materials on this site, please contact me.

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